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Bereavement, Grief, Loss and Hypnotherapy

Gavin Blackman

Many of us will have experienced the passing of someone close to us during our Lives. Some people are able to deal with the grief that inevitably follows such a loss; however for others it is not so easy to come to terms with the passing of someone close. This grief can last a long period and sometimes is constantly there. This then affects the quality of Life for that person to such an extent that gets in the way of them leading a fulfilling Life. Well the good news is Hypnotherapy may be able to help people who are suffering from a loss.

Bereavement sometimes also referred to as grief is a term used to describe the sense of loss felt when a loved one passes away. It can also be used in relation to other losses, for example, the loss of a friend, personal friend , a job or even on item of property such as a house.

This sense of loss may contain a host of emotions such as: sadness, anger, guilt and/or frustration and anxiety and any loss involves a loss of self: self-esteem, self-worth, self value and/or self-validation.

A system of healthy processing of bereavement and loss tends to occur over a period that will vary from individual to individual. There will be a natural reduction of the emotive response, with acceptance and integration of the loss into the individual’s Life.

It is thought there are four stage of bereavement processing:

  1. Acceptance of the loss ie that it has really happened
  2. Experiencing and processing the pain of grief
  3. Adjusting to Life without the person who has died/item that has been lost
  4. Putting less emotional energy into grieving and more into something new ie moving forward

Conventional Treatment

Conventional routes to dealing with grief include the following:

  1. Support from friends and family
  2. Religion and faith support groups
  3. Talking therapies including group sessions
  4. Charities and organisations such as CRUSE (www.cruse.org.uk) can offer support, guidance and advice

If the symptoms persist or there is a profound low mood, then a GP appointment is indicated for either medication or a referral to a psychologist. However, for an alternative and natural solution, people can try Hypnotherapy .

So How Can Hypnotherapy Help?

I will work with you to first to understand at what stage of the bereavement process you are currently at and to understand how your bereavement is affecting you. I will then agree with you what positive outcome(s) you want  from working with them using hypnotherapy.

I will then explain the relevant techniques that will suit you best and to agree on the way forward ie to agree:

  • The number of sessions you may need or you can just proceed one session at a time – it is entirely up to you
  • Whether or not some self-hypnosis between sessions and/or after the sessions have ended would be beneficial for you
  • Whether or not some additional work between sessions that you can do yourself would help your progress in dealing with your issue(s)

Grief can last a long period and sometimes is constantly there. This then affects the quality of Life for that person to such an extent that gets in the way of them leading a fulfilling Life. Well the good news is Hypnotherapy may be able to help people who are suffering from a loss. Rest assured that by collaborating and working together with me, you can achieve the positive changes you are looking for. For a free initial discussion about what hypnotherapy is (and isn't!!) and how it might help you, please contact me. I am based in Winchester; however, Hypnotherapy works just as effectively on-line as well as in person.

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