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Weight Management and Hypnotherapy

Gavin Blackman

The Problem Of Being Overweight

It is well known that weight related problems are on the increase and have been for a number of years. Being overweight can lead to many issues including: cardiovascular problems, degenerative joint disease, diabetes melita’s, strokes and so on.

The majority of people are who are overweight are in that position simply as a result of over-eating and poor exercise. However, for those people who try and do something about this by going on a diet, the fact is that 95% of people losing weight with diets actually regain weight once the dieting has ended.

To be successful with your weight management programme you first need to be truly motivated to do whatever is necessary to lose that weight and as the weight is lost, so the motivation increases.  You then need to make permanent and healthy changes to your lifestyle…..and this is where hypnotherapy can help.

How Can Hypnotherapy Help?

I will work with you to first understand what exactly you want help with regarding your weight management and agree with you what positive outcome(s) you want  from working with me using hypnotherapy.

I can then explain the relevant techniques that will suit you best and we can agree on the way forward ie to agree:

  • The number of sessions you may need or we can just proceed one session at a time – it is entirely up to you
  • Whether or not some self-hypnosis between sessions and/or after the sessions have ended would be beneficial for you
  • Whether or not some additional work between sessions that you can do yourself would help your progress in dealing with your issue(s)

Rest assured that by collaborating and working together, we can achieve the positive changes you are looking for.

What Next?

To be successful with your weight management programme you first need to be truly motivated to do whatever is necessary to lose that weight and as the weight is lost, so the motivation increases.  You then need to make permanent and healthy changes to your lifestyle…..and this is where hypnotherapy can help.

Please contact me for a FREE initial discussion where you can find out more about how hypnotherapy can help you manage your weight.

I am based in Winchester; however, Hypnotherapy works just as effectively on-line as well as in person.

E: [email protected] P: 07955 708647 W: https://gavinbhypno.com

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