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Exam Performance Issues and Hypnotherapy

Gavin Blackman

All of us at some point in our Lives have had issues with performance in a wide variety of areas such as: exams, public speaking, acting, sports and even sex. However, given our experience over the past couple of years, this has been exacerbated. This is especially so for pupils and students who have suffered disruption to their studies. They now face the prospect of sitting exams this year and so may be feeling more anxious about the exams than is usual.

As a parent or someone else responsible for a pupil and/or a student, you cannot revise for them. However, you can try to provide as much support as possible so that when they come to sit their exams, they are in the best frame of mind as possible. Hypnotherapy is a natural, alternative solution for people who are experiencing performance issues and has a proven track record of success.

The causes of performance issues can be numerous and are different for each individual person. Examples include having had a previous bad experience, the “fight/flight” response being triggered as the performance is perceived as threatening and so on.

The Hypnotherapist will work with you/your child to understand more about the cause(s) of the anxiety and will then agree a goal(s) to aim for. The Hypnotherapist will then work with you/your child by focussing on three sections of the “performance cycle” ie:

  • Pre-Performance – get you/your child to look forward to the performance and feel calm, competent and confident
  • Performance – get you/your child to perform well by remaining calm and at the same time, energised
  • Post-Performance – get you/your child to feel good about what you/your child have achieved

So as a parent or someone else responsible for a pupil and/or a student, you cannot revise for them. However, you can try to provide as much support as possible so that when they come to sit their exams, they are in the best frame of mind as possible. Hypnotherapy is a natural, alternative solution for people who are experiencing performance issues and has a proven track record of success. To find out more how Hypnotherapy can help, please contact me. I am based in Winchester; however, Hypnotherapy works just as effectively on-line as well as in person.

E: [email protected] P: 07955 708647 W: https://gavinbhypno.com

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