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Performance Issues

All of us at some point in our Lives have had issues with performance in a wide variety of areas

Performance Issues

All of us at some point in our Lives have had issues with performance in a wide variety of areas such as: exams, public speaking, acting, sports and even sex.

The causes of performance issues can be numerous and are different for each individual person.

Examples include having had a previous bad experience, the “fight/flight” response being triggered as the performance is perceived as threatening and so on.

I will work with you by focussing on three sections of the “performance cycle” ie:

  • Pre-Performance – get you to look forward to the performance and feel calm, competent and confident
  • Performance – get you to perform well by remaining calm and at the same time, energised
  • Post-Performance – get you to feel good about what you have achieved

I will work with you to first understand what exactly you are anxious about and agree with you what positive outcome(s) you want  from working with me using hypnotherapy – please go to Hypnotherapy Session Structure to understand how hypnotherapy works.

I can then explain the relevant techniques that will suit you best and we can agree on the way forward ie to agree:

  • The number of sessions you may need or we can just proceed one session at a time – it is entirely up to you
  • Whether or not some self-hypnosis between sessions and/or after the sessions have ended would be beneficial for you
  • Whether or not some additional work between sessions that you can do yourself would help your progress in dealing with your issue(s)

Rest assured that by collaborating and working together, we can achieve the positive changes you are looking for

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To book a session or to have a FREE initial discussion, please visit our Investing In You page to find out more.

Investing In You

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